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​Events and schedules


  • May 26, 2024, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM GMT+9
    豊橋市, 日本、〒440-0066 愛知県豊橋市東田町87
    2024年5月26日(日)10:00〜15:00「犬ハピVol.4」豊橋競輪場にて開催決定‼️ 約50のブースとキッチンカーが集結❗️ 犬猫保護団体による譲渡会と動物福祉の啓発活動も実施小さな命の尊重、人と動物の共生できる社会の実現を目指します

Samples will be distributed at the event, so if you are interested, please come and visit us.

 About regular holidays

・ Basically, Saturdays and Sundays are regular holidays.
Orders placed after 6pm on Friday will be shipped the following Monday or Tuesday.

・ For long vacations (Golden Week, Obon vacation,
Orders will be flooded before the New Year holidays, so please do so as soon as possible.
Please order.
・ We will post the shipment before the long vacation on the blog etc. each time.
・ Red 〇 is a holiday. Blue ○ is participating in the event
・ Please check the above for the details of the event.


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